Live (full set) at the Heavy Days in Doom town, 2/05/2011

Live at the Arosian Black Mass festival, 24/11/2012. Playing Alchemist Reborn.

Extract from our gig, as opener for Electric Wizard, at the Ubu, Rennes, Sunday the 20th March. This was the day from the year 893 from our order, and we were commemorating the death of the last great Templar Jacques de Molay, under the sign of the Baphomet, sous le signe du Baphomet; stripped of our Temple after his death.
Teaser for the venue of the album "Atavist of Mann". The films used on this video are "Simon, King of the Witches" and "La Maschera del demonio".
Alchemist reborn clip from the EP "Open the gates of shambhala" :